Czechoslovakia and Czech in World Politics
Autor: | Cabada Ladislav, Waisová Šárka |
Nakladatel: | Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk s.r.o. |
Rok vydání: | 2006 |
Počet stran: | 158 |
ISBN/EAN: | 9788073800093 |
Místo vydání: | Plzeň |
Kategorie: | Knihy Obory Obory Politologie a mezinárodní vztahy Politologie a mezinárodní vztahy Studenti |
Papírová kniha: | odkaz na knihu |
Cena papírové knihy: 99,00 Kč
Cena na 365 dní: | 50,00 Kč |
Cena na 180 dní: | 35,00 Kč |
Cena na 60 dní: | 15,00 Kč |
Cena na 30 dní: | 12,00 Kč |
(zatím nikdo nehodnotil)
The book Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic in World Politics is designed for use in courses on Czech and Central European politics for foreign students participating on various study programs at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. Unlike a number of such textbooks, we believe it is necessary and possible to introduce students to the literature on Czech, Czechoslovak and Central European politics, history and society. Our goal, therefore, is to provide the basic theoretical and conceptual tools required to make some further research and analysis in this issue area. The goal of the book is not to present result of neither research activities nor comprehensive monograph, the goal of the book is to help to understand the evolution of Central Europe and the role and position of Czech Republic in world politics. This book devotes a significant amount of space to the historical development of Czech and Czechoslovak politics and of Central European region. We believe that in order to understand the functioning and future development of (Central) Europe, a basic understanding of its societal, economic and political processes is an imperative. The book can offer the general information about the past political, societal, economic and historical processes in Czech Republic and Central Europe, and can open the space for future, deeper interest about the issue.
Komentáře čtenářů
Zatím nikdo nevložil komentář k této položce.
Základy sociologie a politologie, 6. upravené vydání | Danics Štefan, Urban Lukáš, Dubský Josef | Papírová kniha: 490,00 Kč | Cena od 61,00 Kč |
- Právo
- Dějiny a teorie práva
- Finanční a daňové právo
- Mezinárodní a evropské právo
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- Pracovní právo a právo sociálního zabezpečení
- Právní předpisy
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- Politologie a mezinárodní vztahy
- Psychologie a sociologie
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