Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic – Levná knihovna – knihy vždy on-line

Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic

Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic
Autor:Klíma Karel
Nakladatel:Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk s.r.o.
Rok vydání:2008
Počet stran:463
Místo vydání:Plzeň
Kategorie: Knihy Právo Právo Studenti Ústavní právo Ústavní právo
Papírová kniha:odkaz na knihu
Cena papírové knihy: 50,00 Kč
Cena na 365 dní: 25,00 Kč
Cena na 180 dní: 18,00 Kč
Cena na 60 dní: 8,00 Kč
Cena na 30 dní: 6,00 Kč
Na 365 dní za 25,00 Kč
Na 180 dní za 18,00 Kč
Na 60 dní za 8,00 Kč
Na 30 dní za 6,00 Kč
(zatím nikdo nehodnotil)
At present this textbook is considered unique and the most up-to-date university textbook of constitutional law in the Czech Republic since the country‘s independence, its 1989 restoration of constitutional democracy and its accession to the European Union. The author applies his extensive knowledge in the field of comparative constitutional law as well as his participation in international university activities and more than 25 years experience in the International Association of Constitutional Law . The General Part of the textbook deals with the general theory of the Constitution, primarily with the theory of constitutional law, modern constitutionality, and the form and content of the constitution. In addition, it elaborates upon the constitutionality of the European Union and the Council of Europe. The Particular Part addresses the Czech Constitution, its development and structure, and its relationship with international law and the European Union. It focuses on substantive and procedural constitutional law (elections, functioning of Parliament and the workings of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic).
Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic
Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic
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Pavel Rychetský. Od Charty k Ústavnímu soudu Rozehnal Aleš Papírová kniha: 360,00 Kč Cena od
45,00 Kč
Svobodný přístup k informacím. Zákon č. 106/1999 Sb. Jäger Petr a kolektiv Papírová kniha: 450,00 Kč Cena od
56,00 Kč

