Renewable Energy Sources on the World Energy Market and Slovakia – Levná knihovna – knihy vždy on-line

Renewable Energy Sources on the World Energy Market and Slovakia

Renewable Energy Sources on the World Energy Market and Slovakia
Autor:Peter Tauš, Marcela Taušová, Dušan Kudelas, Ján Koščo
Nakladatel:Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk s.r.o.
Rok vydání:2017
Počet stran:114
Místo vydání:Plzeň
Kategorie: Knihy Obory Obory Ostatní Ostatní Studenti
Papírová kniha:odkaz na knihu
Cena papírové knihy: 150,00 Kč
Cena na 365 dní: 75,00 Kč
Cena na 180 dní: 53,00 Kč
Cena na 60 dní: 23,00 Kč
Cena na 30 dní: 19,00 Kč
Tuto položku lze zaplatit poukázkou nebo přidat do zákaznického balíčku.
(zatím nikdo nehodnotil)
Demand for energy will continue to grow in the coming decades. The rising population and the increasing electrification rate will put enormous demands on total energy supplies. Primarily, demand for energy could rise by 50% by mid-century. The aim of mankind must be to secure a sustainable method of energy production. This can only be ensured by increasing the share of renewable energy sources in the overall energy mix. The publication describes the current state of the use of RES in the global energy market, the exploitable and exploited potential of these sources, but also a vision of their use by various likely scenarios. The authors submit their expert opinions and recommendations to individual analyzes. Particularly in the part describing the state of the issue in Slovakia confronted with world trends.
Renewable Energy Sources on the World Energy Market and Slovakia Renewable Energy Sources on the World Energy Market and Slovakia
Renewable Energy Sources on the World Energy Market and Slovakia Renewable Energy Sources on the World Energy Market and Slovakia Renewable Energy Sources on the World Energy Market and Slovakia Renewable Energy Sources on the World Energy Market and Slovakia Renewable Energy Sources on the World Energy Market and Slovakia Renewable Energy Sources on the World Energy Market and Slovakia
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Pavel Rychetský. Od Charty k Ústavnímu soudu Rozehnal Aleš Papírová kniha: 360,00 Kč Cena od
45,00 Kč
Svobodný přístup k informacím. Zákon č. 106/1999 Sb. Jäger Petr a kolektiv Papírová kniha: 450,00 Kč Cena od
56,00 Kč

